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TRIP - Teekkaripurjehtijat ry

Navigation courses


In springs TRIP organizes navigation courses and exams according to Suomen Navigoinninopettajat ry’s education system. Coordinating teachers authorized by Suomen Navigoinninopettajat ry together with teachers and assistant teachers are responsible for the contents and teaching of the courses. 


Navigation 1 (Inland waters and the Baltic Sea) (FIN + ENG)

Navigation 1 -course is an entry-level course about the theory of navigation and the rules of marine traffic. You will learn for example how to find your way between the right sea marks, plot a course on a nautical chart, and recognize other vessels based on their light and sound signals. The course starts from the fundamentals, so no previous knowledge is required. 


Navigation 1 (ENG) -course will be organized from January to March on Tuesday evenings in spring 2025. The course starts on 04.02. and ends with a paper exam on Thu 03.04. The exam is possible to do also as an online exam, during late spring and summer. 


You will find the more specific timetable and information about the registration here. Price list of the course and material fees you will find here.


Navigation 2 (Tidal waters and the Mediterranean) (FIN+ENG)

Navigation 2 -course is a continuation of Navigation 1 -course and gives you information for example about tides, weather and the use of radar. It also deepens the understanding and skills of navigation you have gained before. An accepted Navigation 1 or saaristolaivuri exam (or an exam on a similar level) is required for taking the Navigation 2 -exam. 


Navigation 2 will be organized in English next time in autumn 2025. The course exam can be taken also in spring  2025.


When, where and how?

Courses contain seven three-hour lectures and an exam, which is organized in the final week. The courses are usually organized on weekday evenings in Otaniemi, but online lectures are also a possibility. More specific timetable for Navigation 1 (ENG) for 2025 you will find here. Previously courses have been carried out also as entirely as online courses.


Lectures consist of going through materials, doing calculation and nautical chart exercises and learning how to use tools of navigation. Courses are tight packages full of things to learn, so exercises should be done also at home. Attendance is not compulsory but it is highly recommended for gaining a clear picture of the content and preparing for the exam. 


The exam is possible to do as a traditional paper exam on the exam day or as a flexible online exam. The paper exam is included in the course fee – the online exam on the other hand increases the course fee by 10 euros. It is also possible to do just a paper or online exam without the course, for example if you haven’t participated in the exam before. If there is enough demand, TRIP will possibly organize a retake next autumn. In case you are interested in that possibility you can email the Head of Education emil.huttunen@teekkaripurjehtijat.fi After an approved exam you will receive a certificate from Suomen Navigoinniniopettajat via email. 


  • Navigation courses are a good way to learn important knowledge and skills of seafaring, for boating in a more secure and safe manner. 
  • By participating in this spring’s courses you can put the learned know-how into practice right away during the next season.
  • An accepted Navigation 1 -exam is one of the club’s requirements for being a first mate of TRIP.
  • An accepted Navigation 2 -exam is one of the club’s requirements for being a captain of TRIP.
  • A certificate of Navigation 2 -exam is one way to prove your theory knowledge in case you want to apply for an International Certificate of Competence ICC (Kansainvälinen huviveneenkuljettajankirja) from Traficom. Also a Navigation 1 -certificate can be accepted if you have done a complementary exam about tides. 

And let’s not forget that during the courses you can get to know nice people with similar interests and maybe find some friends for next summer’s sailing trips!

For who?

Navigation courses, like other TRIP’s courses are for members only. If you are not a member yet, you can join by filling in the registration form via this link


We organize courses both in Finnish and English. Prior knowledge is not required for participating Navigation 1 -course. However, prior knowledge (for example Navigation 1- or Saaristolaivuri course) is recommended if you are interested in participating Navigation 2 course. You can participate in Navigation 2 -exam also without an exam and certificate of lower lever course.


Concerning skills in maths, a bit higher level of knowledge is expected compared to courses of Työväenopisto’s courses. The math skills learned in basic education are enough.

How much does it cost?

Price list of the course and material fees for 2025 you will find here.


On top of the course itself, course fees include one paper exam and a certificate, which will be sent via email after an accepted exam.


You will receive an invoice after the course registration, please use the reference number. You have 14 days to pay the invoice after you have sent the registration form. In addition, please be prepared to show a receipt of payment when picking up the course material.


Courses are carried out by volunteers and course payments are used for paying rent of the course premises and the costs of exams. The profits are used for supporting Teekkaripurjehtijat ry’s activity.

What do you need to take with you?

Information in this section concerns only the equipment you will need in the English version of Navigation 1. The information on courses held in Finnish you will find from here


Equipment essential for the course is a PDF-course book, a rehearsal map, a protractor triangle, a navigational divider, a ruler, a pencil, an eraser and a calculator. The PDF-course book, the map, the protractor triangle and the navigational divider are possible to order via TRIP when you are filling in the registration form for courses and exams. You will find the price list of materials here


The protractor triangle is a protractor used for navigation, which makes it easier to plot a course on a chart. The divider which you can order from TRIP is a navigational divider but also a regular divider is enough. We recommend the navigation divider made from brass, the one you can use with one hand. 


We use a PDF-course book and rehearsal map made by Suomen Navigoinninopettajat (SNOP). For Navigation 1 -course you will need the Navigation 1 -course book (Baltic Sea and Lakes) and Navigation 1 -rehearsal map. The English translation of the course book was published in PDF -format in autumn 2023.


The materials ordered from TRIP are given during the first lectures of the course – remember to take the receipt of the payment with you. 

How to get more information?

You can get more information about the navigation courses by sending an email to the Head of Education Emil to address emil.huttunen@teekkaripurjehtijat.fi. If you are already a member of Teekkaripurjehtijat ry, we recommend you to send your question on the slack-channel #koulutus.