Recruitment of Board and Johtis 2023 is open!

Recruitment of Board and Johtis 2023 is open!

Do you want to join for organizing Teekkaripurjehtijat activities for year 2023? The club needs active volunteers, and call for the next year’s board and other officials is now open. The board, auditors (Fi: toiminnantarkastajat) and other officials are elected in the Election Meeting on Friday 25th November 2022 starting at 18.00.

The meeting will be held at Ossinsauna (Otaranta 18, Otaniemi, Espoo), where the evening continues with the Pre-Christmas Party, so I recommend everyone to join, regardless of interested in board positions or not!

Apart from the board and auditors, only the essential officials, such as Heads of Boat Maintenance (if not in board) and IT responsibles, are elected in the Election Meeting. The members for teams, such as Boat Maintenance or Dinghy Team, will be chosen by the Board 2023. However, you can already inform about your interest for becoming a member of these teams, by filling this form.

Being a board member or official (= a Johtis member) is a great way to get aboard to all club’s activities and learn! For your work as board member or official, you will also get bee-hours (Fi: Talkootunnit). Bee-hours can be used for your own boat reservations for upcoming sailing seasons.

After filling this form, you will be contacted before any elections are done – so you are not committing to anything yet by filling the form . The application is open until the Election Meeting, and you can also apply for a position still in the meeting. If there is not satisfying positions listed in the form, but you have a great idea what you’d like to do in the club, contact us! There will always be support for great new ideas.

Don’t hesitate to contact any of the current board members or officials to ask more about the positions – you can contact the people for example by a Slack message, or by the contact info found from the club’s website. The chair of the board 2022, commodore Vera Anttila is happy to answer all questions regarding the positions of election process, and to discuss with people interested in people interested in joining the board or officials (, tel. 040 556 7709).