Registration for Johtis 2023 Recruit Sailing!

Registration for Johtis 2023 Recruit Sailing!

Register for the Johtis 2023 Recruit Sailing! The sailing is meant for those TRIP members, who are interested in helping out the board to organise events, boat maintenance and develop TRIP in 2023. Part of the Board members 2022 are joining the Recruit Sailings and afterwork to answer your questions and to tell about what an active member in TRIP can be part of. You can also skip the sailing and come straight to the afterwork.

Unfortunately the language of the board 2023 will be Finnish, so only Finnish-speaking members can apply for those positions. Luckily the concept of the Johtis is broader, so it includes also active members outside the board.

Could that active member be you in 2023? Join the sail in that case!  Notice! This is not binding registration for Johtis. Official registration for Johtis 2023 will be anounced later.

Boats of the weekend: First, Gin & Elec
Friday 14.10. – Evening sail (the exact schedule will be announced later)

17.00-18.00: Start from Ruoholahti harbor
Evening sail
21.00: Return to Ruoholahti harbor
21.00-> Evening continues in Pub Amsterdam in Ruoholahti

Registration opens on 6.10. 18:00.

More info