Invitation to Annual General Meeting

Invitation to Annual General Meeting

Dear member of Teekkaripurjehtijat,

Welcome to the Annual General Meeting of Teekkaripurjehtijat ry. The meeting will be held on Wednesday, 13 March at 18:00 in the Otaranta Club Room located at Otaranta 8 B, 02150 Espoo. The meeting will be held in Finnish.

Please be advised that

  • Every member of Teekkaripurjehtijat is welcome. However, only members of AYY have the right to vote.
  • The Drive folder is visible to all members, but requires the member to be logged in with their account.
  • Some documents are not in the folder at the time of sending this invitation, but they will be added there before the meeting.
  • The agenda can be found as attached (in Finnish).

On behalf of the board,
Leo Drosdek
Commodore 2024

Teekkaripurjehtijat ry

Esityslista – vuosikokous 13.3.2024