Invitation to Extraordinary General Meeting

Invitation to Extraordinary General Meeting

Welcome to an extraordinary general meeting of Teekkaripurjehtijat. The meeting will be held on Monday, 19 February 2024 at 18:00 in the meeting room Mauri in the Sello library located at Leppävaarankatu 9, 02600 Espoo. The primary purpose of the meeting is to elect a new treasurer for the association. No treasurer was found in the extraordinary general meeting held on 1 February 2024. Since then, however, a member of Teekkaripurjehtijat has expressed their readiness to be the treasurer. At the same time, the member in question would be more than happy to let someone else be the treasurer, so the encouragement to be the treasurer that was earlier sent to all members still applies.

Everyone is welcome to participate in the meeting, but only members of AYY have the right to vote. Participation is possible on site or remotely via As the meeting room has capacity for six people, participants are requested to express their intent of participation and way of participation (on-site or remotely) to the board. It is also possible to participate without doing this. Applications to the treasurer position are accepted in the meeting or in advance with a short written application to the board if participation in the meeting is not possible. The treasurer must have fluent Finnish skills and reside in Finland. The agenda is available only in Finnish. More information about the meeting room is available at

Leo Drosdek
Commodore 2024

Esityslista – Ylimääräinen yhdistyksen kokous 19.2.2024