Johtis recruitment and afterwork evening 20.3.

Johtis recruitment and afterwork evening 20.3.

Welcome to Johtis recruitment and general afterwork hangout evening on Wednesday 20th March at 18.00 at Bar-Restaurant Meritähti in Ruoholahti!

At the event, you can meet members of the board, other club members, and chat about the club’s plans for spring and summer in general! You can bring your own board games or even an unfinished knitting project.

You can easily reach Meritähti via metro from Ruoholahti station, which is a familiar stop for most on the way to the TRIP’s sailboats. When arriving by car, the easiest parking option is likely the nearby Citymarket parking garage. Parking is subject to a fee.


What positions are open in Johtis (board of officials) for 2024?


Head of Events and/or an Events team

The club is in desperate need of an Events team. The team’s tasks include booking venues for various events, promoting the events, and ensuring that the necessary catering is arranged for them. This can be done together with a friend, so you don’t always have to be present or participate in all the activities yourself.


Photography team

The photography team doesn’t have to be an actual team, but the Heads of Communications Venla and Jasmine are happy to receive photos related to the archipelago, sailing, and TRIP in general.


Environmental team

One of the goals of the board for the year 2024 is to map out the environmental impacts of TRIP, so that as a club we can make even better choices. If you have expertise or observations in this area, please contact Emmi, Head of Environment.


Head of Competitions and/or Competition team

At the beginning of the year, there has been noticeable interest in competing with the club’s keel boats. The competition team can take on the project of participating in all the races, or possibly just one interesting race. Those interested in competing should join #kisajaosto -channel on Slack.


Business relationship team

TRIP’s activities require additional funding every year, for example, for the maintenance of boats, organizing events, and participating in competitions. The members of the corporate relations team are supposed to contact companies, foundations, and funds as representatives of TRIP and inquire about possibilities for sponsorships.


Harassment contact person

The club is looking for a second harassment contact person. The harassment contact person receives emails related to possible harassment cases in the club. In early 2024, the board will update the club’s safer space policies together with the harassment contact person. After this, the goal is to also create more detailed guidelines and boundaries for the harassment contact person’s responsibilities.



For the continuity of the club, it would be good if more people were familiar with maintaining the technical platforms used by the club. Currently, the burden of IT-related questions lies only on one person’s shoulders. An IT team member does not need to commit to a specific time or place, and there are no requirements for previous IT-skills.


See you in Ruoholahti!