TRIP’s keel boats spend the summers at Ruoholahti marina at Tammasaarenaukio. The marina is managed by the city of Helsinki and is located right next to the High Tech Center Helsinki. HTC is that colossal office building with orange steel support structures on the side of the marina. For sailings, we gather directly at the boats. If you want, you can already load your stuff into the outside seating area of the boat, even if the skipper is still on the way there. The boats can be found at the point indicated by the arrow on the map, at boat berths numbered 47 (s/y ElecTrip), 63 (s/y GinTrip) and 64 (s/y FirsTrip).
Show enlarged map and directions
The metro (or underground) is the most convenient way to get to the boats from the West or East. From Ruoholahti station, head South, i.e. towards the sea, until you reach the canal. Turn right from the canal towards Lauttasaari. Continue along the channel until you come across boat masts. Continue to the platform on the left to reach the boats.
Tram 8
You can easily get to the Kaapelitehdas (Cable Factory) tram stop from the metro station or further away, from where the harbor basin is only a stone’s throw away.
Cycling and city bikes
There are cycling paths from Otaniemi to Keilaniemi and from there onwards to Lauttasaari, alternatively also dirt roads via Lehtisaari and Kaskisaari. Walk on the north side of the Lauttasaari bridge towards the center of Helsinki and immediately after the bridge turn left into the tunnel. From there you can drive directly to the marina. TRIP’s boats are on the opposite side of the pool. If you are using a city bike, the nearest point they can be found is on the east side of the Lauttasaari bridge, in the square.
Driving by car
Ruoholahti area is quite unforgiving for motorists. Although there are parking spaces right next to the harbor, almost all of them are paid. You can easily get fined by parking next to the pier. However, heavy items can be unloaded at the dock area for short periods, just remember to watch out for cyclists coming around the corner on the ramp. There is a parking space for shared cars (DriveNow, GoNow, etc…) right at the Western end of Kellosaari beach (near the harbor), so that is also an option.