Winter Weekend 10.-12.2.2023 in Nuuksio

Winter Weekend 10.-12.2.2023 in Nuuksio

Winter Weekend is a relaxed venue for TRIP members to enjoy board games, sauna and other relaxed activities. Everyone is responsible for the success of the weekend, so you can bring your own games or organize a trivia quiz for example.

You can join Winter Weekend for the whole weekend or just pop up for a day. We try to coordinate rides, but self-activity is encouraged. Public transport is also a short distance away. The place has mattresses, but you need your own blankets and sheets. In addition to these, bring your own towel and soaps and outdoor clothes. Also slippers and woolen socks might be handy. The event is free of charge to current members.

Sign up here

When? Friday to Sunday 10.-12.2.2023
Where? Kattilajärvi Camping Center at Kattilajärventie 30, 02820 Espoo