Membership fees and key persons for 2023

Membership fees and key persons for 2023

The membership fees for 2023 that was decided in Teekkaripurjehtijat ry’s Election Meeting 25.11.:

  • Ordinary members (AYY): 35 €
  • Other students: 45 €
  • Alumni: 85 €

The following key persons were also chosen:

Board 2023
Commodore – Susanna Holmström
Secretary – Susan Rämä
Treasurer – Jan Gustafsson
Head of Education (theory courses) – Emmi Nevalainen
Head of GinTrip – Joel Haavisto
Communications – Paula Luhtaanmäki
Head of Events – Johanna Seulu

Dinghy Master – Juhana Suhonen

Officials 2023
Head of ElecTrip – Bernard Spiegl
Head of accounting – Jaakko Söderholm

Principal – Jutta Jokela

The board 2023 will choose the other officials in the beginning of next year.