Invitation to Skippers’ Meeting Thu 19.5. at 5:30 pm

Invitation to Skippers’ Meeting Thu 19.5. at 5:30 pm

Welcome to the Skippers’ meeting on Thursday 19.5. at 17.30 at Studio, Design Factory (Betonimiehenkuja 5C). All members are welcome, not only the skippers of the club. Unfortunately, the meeting will be held mainly in Finnish, but we will do our best to provide necessary translations. Attendance in English is possible.

The most important matter on the agenda is booking of keel boats for upcoming season, according to the Boat Reservation Rules. We will also vote about the suggestion to raise the boat reservation fee for Pitkä (TRIP long voyage with FirsTrip in July-August) Mon-Sun to 30€/day. Please note, that only persons or alliances that have done at least 20 bee hours during the last year, and turned in their work hour sheets at the latest on Sun 8.5., have the boat booking right. More info about bee hours and boat bookings can be found here (unofficial translation). Don’t hesitate to ask for advice from Finnish speaking members in slack, if something is unclear.

In addition to the bee hours requirement, boat reservation right requires that all the payments to the club have been paid (last year’s boat reservation fees, membership fee). Skippers are also required to have attended to Safety Evening, or completed the compensatory assignment (info on kipparit-mailing list) before the skippers’ meeting by 17.5.

Please be prepared to present a proof of identity if necessary. Every member of TRIP is welcome, however only the ordinary members, in other words, the members of AYY have voting rights.

The meeting agenda can be found as attached (in Finnish, translation will be provided during incoming weeks). Please also note, that the boat reservation fee has been raised to include Mon-Thu 20€/day and Fri-Sun 30€/day.

Remember to turn in your work hours sheet at the latest on Sunday 8.5. to! See you in the meeting!

On behalf of the board,

Vera Anttila
Teekkaripurjehtijat ry