Wappu Sailing and Wappi picnic at the Crowning of Manta 30.4.

Wappu Sailing and Wappi picnic at the Crowning of Manta 30.4.

The traditional Wappu sailing to the Crowning of Manta will be back again this year! Sailing will take place on S/Y Vera Violeta. There are 11 seats reserved for TRIP members for sailing. The price of the sailing is 30 € and payment is made on site in cash. The sailing will start at 13.30 at Suomenlinna and after two hours of sailing you will arrive at the Crowning of Manta at the Cholera pool at about 16.00.

The S/Y Vera Violetta is a 40-foot Colin Archer sailing ship with gaff rig. The vessel was built in Norway in 1975 for sea rescue use. More information about the ship: https://www.facebook.com/Sailing-Vera-violetta-112988893836134

TRIP offers a free Wappu picnic for club members at Kolera-allas from 16.00-18.00. At the same time, you can follow the Crowning of Manta. You can find the program of the Crowning of Manta here: https://hyy.fi/en/havis-amanda-2022

You can register for Wappu Sailing and picnic here: https://forms.gle/SdWWjKnx8Qqy9Rit8

Wappu sailing
13.30 Arrival to the boat at Suomenlinna.
Sailing approx. 2h
approx. 16.00 Arrival to the Crowning of Manta at the Kolera-allas.

The Crowning of Manta and Wappu picnic on S/Y Vera Violeta

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