Invitation to Election Meeting and Christmas Party on Fri 26.11.

Invitation to Election Meeting and Christmas Party on Fri 26.11.

Dear member of Teekkaripurjehtijat,

Welcome to the Election Meeting and Christmas Party of Teekkaripurjehtijat ry, held in Otaranta Rooftop Sauna (Otaranta 8 E, Espoo) on Friday 26th November 2021 from 17.00 onwards. The meeting will begin at 17.30, and participating remotely is also possible. After the Election Meeting, we will continue the evening with Christmas Party in the same premises. In the Christmas Party, there will be food, drinks, company and sauna opportunity provided by the club. The Christmas Party will be started only after the Election Meeting is completed.

In the Election Meeting, a new board and other officials for the club for the year 2022 will be elected. The call for board members and officials is now open, and you can apply through this form. Behind the link, there is also more info about applying and the election. You can be elected regardless of whether you can attend the meeting or not, as long as you have applied. In addition to the election of the board, in the meeting, also other officials and auditors (Fi: toiminnantarkastajat) are elected, and membership fees for 2022 are decided. The board does not propose any changes to membership fees. The agenda has been sent to members by email.

If attending remotely, you can join the meeting using this link, that can also be found in the events calendar of the club. We kindly ask you to prepare for using video for confirming the identity of the participants. Please also be prepared to present a proof of identity if necessary. Every member of TRIP is welcome, however only the ordinary members i.e. the members of AYY have voting rights.

See you in the Meeting and Christmas Party! I wish to see as many of you as possible attending, as we finally get to organize these events live after a long break!

On behalf of the board,

Markus Nevalainen