Opiskelijan oma purjehdusseura
TRIP - Teekkaripurjehtijat ry


You can become a member of the club by filling out the attached membership application. After submitting the filled form, you will receive a confirmation link in the email. After confirming your email, you will be added to Suomen Purjehdus ja Veneily ry register in Suuli, and your email will be added to the Teekkaripurjehtijat official email list trip-jas (list.ayy.fi). Only those who have paid the membership fee are entitled to member benefits such as common sailings.

As a member, you can participate in all TRIP’s common sailings (common and competitive sailings), navigation courses and seasonal events.

From January 2016, the members of the association will also automatically become members of Suomen Purjehdus ja Veneily ry (SPV). The SPV membership fee is included in the Teekkaripurjehtijat ry membership fee. As a member of SPV, you get accident insurance for sailing activities and Nautic magazine to your home. You can familiarize yourself with SPV’s member benefits at https://spv.fi/teema/jasenedut/.

Official rules of the association.

Teekkaripurjehtijat Ry membership fees: Year 2024

AYY members: 35 €
Other students: 45 €
Graduates or other non-students: 85 €

New members who joined in September-December of the previous year and have paid the membership fee for the past year are exempted from the membership fee.

Membership fees for old members are billed in February.