Invitation to Skippers Meeting 7, May 2024

Invitation to Skippers Meeting 7, May 2024

Welcome to the Skippers meeting (Boat reservation meeting for Summer 2024) on Tuesday, 7 May at 17:00 at Otaranta Clubroom (Otaranta 8 B, 02150 Espoo). Please arrive well in advance (16:40) so that the meeting can be started as scheduled. Remote participation will not be possible, so if you or your alliance are unable to participate in the meeting, please ensure that you have someone to make reservations for you. All members are welcome, not just the skippers of the club. The meeting will be held mainly in Finnish, but translations can be provided when needed. Attendance in English is possible.

The most important matter on the agenda is to book keel boats for the upcoming season as instructed in the Boat Reservation Rules. Please note that only persons or alliances that have done at least 20 bee hours during the last year and submitted their bee hour lists by Tuesday, 30 April will have the right to make reservations. More info about bee hours and boat bookings can be found here (unofficial translation). Please do not hesitate to ask for advice from Finnish speaking members in slack or via email if something is unclear.

In addition to the bee hours requirement, all the payments to the club must have been paid (last year’s boat reservation fees, membership fee, course fees, etc.). Skippers who wish to skipper must have attended the Safety Night or completed the alternative assignment.

Please be prepared to present a proof of identity if necessary. Every member of Teekkaripurjehtijat is welcome. However, only members of AYY have the right to vote.

The meeting agenda can be found as attached in Finnish. All materials for the skippers meeting can be found in this Drive folder (requires you to be logged in with your account).

Leo Drosdek
Commodore 2024