The new board for 2022 has been elected

The new board for 2022 has been elected

In the Election Meeting on Fri 26th November, the new board and officials for the club was elected as follows:

Board 2022:

  • Vera Anttila (commodore)
  • Laura Pokka (secretary)
  • Jaakko Söderholm (treasurer)
  • Judit Lindstedt (head of education)
  • Sofia Inkeroinen (head of education)
  • Jan Gustafsson (head of boat maintenance, FirsTrip)
  • Benjamin Jokinen (head of boat maintenance, GinTrip)
  • Mari Kolkki (communications)
  • Karri Pönni (events)

Officials 2022

  • Igor Prozheev (head of boat maintenance, ElecTrip)
  • Arpad Toldy (dinghy master)
  • Nina Lukin (Tripventure responsible)
  • Asta Mykkänen (Tripventure responsible)
  • Minni Mankki (annual ball responsible)

Congratulations for the elected! The board 2022 chooses later the members for teams and elects more officials if needed.