Invitation to election meeting and Pre-Christmas party

Invitation to election meeting and Pre-Christmas party

Welcome to Teekkaripurjehtijat ry’s Election Meeting and Pre-Christmas party on Friday, 29 November, 2024 at 17:30 at Ossinsauna (Otakaari 18, Espoo)!

In the Election Meeting, a new board and other officials for the club for the year 2025 will be elected.You can let us know here if interested in any position! All responders will be contacted before the meeting, and this is an opportunity for you to ask more questions about some specific post, and find out if there are others interested in the same position as you. This year’s board introduced their roles on our website, you can read about the different tasks here.

Note that filling in the form is not mandatory, and the election itself takes place in the Election Meeting. In the meeting, you can either run for some position yourself or suggest a friend. If you cannot attend the meeting, but still wish to run for some position, please contact the board ( or through the form above) or arrange a friend who is able to attend and nominate you.

In Teekkaripurjehtijat ry’s Election Meeting, at least the following people are elected:

  • a commodore, a secretary, and a treasurer, as well as two to six members of the board for the next season,
  • officials for the next season, and
  • two auditors and their individual substitutes for the next season.

“Board member” and “official” can be for instance head(s) of education, heads of boat maintenance, dinghy master, head of events, head of communications, head of racing, head of sustainability, photographer, organizer for Tripventure, harassment contact person, or why not something completely new.


Election Meeting

The meeting will start at 18:00. Every member has a right to be present, but only the ordinary members i.e. the members of AYY have voting rights. Kindly prove your AYY membership if requested. Please find the meeting agenda attached.

Pre-Christmas party

The festivities will begin after the meeting. The club will offer food and drinks. There is also a sauna possibility, so bring swimwear and towel if needed.

Leo Drosdek
Commodore 2024

Esityslista Vaalikokous 29.11.2024